The ASYFAIR Project


ASYFAIR examines legal procedures used to examine asylum cases. We are a team of researchers conducting observations of asylum appeal hearings as well as interviews with asylum appellants, legal representatives and judges. For asylum seekers in Europe, court proceedings can be intimidating. We are interested in the measures taken that can allow asylum seekers to take a full and active part in the proceedings.

Image by kai kalhh from Pixabay

In 2013 the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) was launched to standardise the procedures of asylum determination in Europe. In line with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (Article 47), CEAS aims to guarantee the right to a fair asylum hearing and trial, which should be consistent throughout the EU. But as yet no sustained multi-methodological assessment of the claims of consistency inherent to the CEAS has been carried out. An inter-disciplinary team at the University of Exeter have launched ASYFAIR – a project that offers the opportunity to assess progress towards harmonisation of asylum determination processes in Europe, and provides new insights into the dilemmas and risks of legal practices concerning asylum adjudication.

ASYFAIR aims to generate insights and ideas about how to make sure asylum processes are as fair and effective as they can be during a crucial period of consolidation of the asylum system and border controls in Europe.

Please click here for ASYFAIR research output (e.g. publications, talks and events).

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This project is hosted by University of Exeter and has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. StG-2015_677917.

